Education Articles
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These articles are excerpts from the HSPBC educational tabloids. Click the link to download a PDF version.

Territorial Florida
Territorial Florida Seminole Wars | Territorial Florida This section provides

Flagler Era and Boom-to-Bust
Flagler Era through Boom-to-Bust Click below for a downloadable copy

Great Depression and World War II
The Great Depression and World War II Download STUDENT Copy

Post-World War II to Present
Post-World War II to Present Click below for a downloadable

Special Districts and Consolidation Government
There are two additional forms of local governments: the special

County and Municipal Governments
Florida has sixty-seven county governments and 408 municipal governments. These

Palm Beach County History-Introduction
West Palm Beach 1900 Courtesy Historical Society of Palm Beach
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
-- Dr. Seuss