More Than A Game: Champions in the Midst of Desegregation

Through February 26

Richard & Pat Johnson Palm Beach County History Museum

Meet the 1968 Maroon Devils and their basketball coach, Floyd Andrews, from Roosevelt, the all-Black high school in West Palm Beach until 1970. Taught not to use racism as an excuse, they made history while integration made slow progress in athletics and education. 

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6 Responses

  1. What a tremendous story I was there and remember when Roosevelt High went 27-0. Coach Andrew was an amazing coach. He was smart and connected well with all the players. We would have won many championships had it not been for busing. The next year they sent all the best players to Palm Beach High and gave the job to Coach Ceravola. They won the state championship with Coach Andrew players. He was sent to North Shore High who had never won anything with a lot of players not very good. Coach Andrews took that team and went 22-3. 50 years later I am ecstatic that the light is being shed on a real champion. Coach Andrews is a real legend.

    1. Thank you for writing, Keith. We have received wonderful feedback on the exhibit and panel discussion. It can also be seen on PBC Ch. 20 TV three times a week through February.

    2. God Bless You Keith for your leadership in providing the spring board in North Shore achieving more championships…

  2. I also would like to echo the comments of Brother Highsmith. I was a member of the North Shore team which won 2 games in 1970 and Coach Andrews turn it around the following year with 22-3 season. I thank God for Floyd Andrews turning the program around in one season. Rodney N. Smith 71′

  3. I was at North Shore when Coach Andrews arrived. Even though other schools were going through racial challenges, his presence, along with the other African-American teachers, kept us focused on the bigger picture – our education.
    I wasn’t a basketball player, but I had the privilege to cheer at North Shore my last three years. I can say that he cared about us, ALL of us. He always took the time to listen and make sure we were on a successful path.
    Even though he is gone from this Earth, he will always be in my heart.

    1. Thank you for your comments, Pamela. Floyd Andrews was indeed a man who cared about everyone and made a difference in so many lives.