
Archive Month
October Proclaimed Palm Beach County Archive Month in Honor of Historical Society of Palm Beach County
October 26, 2021

Understanding Juneteenth
If you are like many people, you may have a vague understanding of the holiday, but don’t understand its origins and why we celebrate it nationally today.
June 16, 2021

Palm Beach County’s Oldest Business Lainhart and Potter Building Materials
Since its inception in 1893,
Lainhart and Potter Building Materials
has become a staple in Florida
April 21, 2021

Mary Louise Majewski Brewer: An Oral History
Albert and Mary Majewski established a bakery in this two-story building on Clematis Street between 1896 and 1900. When Albert died in 1909, Mary had to care for their seven children and run the bakery.
March 31, 2021

Delray Beach: A Sterling Century
Back to all Delray Beach: A Sterling Century This article
March 18, 2021