Virtual History Talks: Ruth Hartman Berge on Growing Up in Northern Palm Beach County: Boomer Memories from Dairy Belle to Double Roads
Ruth Hartman Berge
Growing Up in Northern Palm Beach County: Boomer Memories from Dairy Belle to Double Roads
Northern Palm Beach County has its share of mysteries, from Sir Harry Oakes’ “haunted” mansion to James Munroe Munyon’s Fountain of Youth. The once-quaint little municipalities of Jupiter, Juno Beach, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Lake Park, Riviera Beach, and Singer Island have grown, but they haven’t lost their tropical charm. Author Ruth Hartman Berge, who grew up here in the 1960s and ‘70s, will share her memories of a Florida that no longer exists. She is the author of the former column, “The Florida You Don’t Know,” Betty Tales: The True Story of a Brave Bobblehead Cat, and a guide to writing fiction.
This virtual lecture is FREE!
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