Historical Society of Palm Beach County

The Society Brings History to Life.

The Historical Society of Palm Beach County is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to collect, preserve, and share the rich history and cultural heritage of Palm Beach County. The HSPBC maintains a large archive on the history of Palm Beach County, Florida, and the Caribbean. Through its archives, which includes four million photographic images, plus maps, newspapers, journals, periodicals, architectural drawings, and research files, the Society maintains an active research facility and documents the people and events that have shaped Palm Beach County. In addition, the multiple education programs and initiatives of the Society in schools and communities are of primary importance to our vision of building an understanding and appreciation of local history in our children.

After the Historical Society was formed in 1937, West Palm Beach attorney A. Stanley Bussey donated a vintage black-and-white photograph of an island street scene to the newly established Society, the first gift to what would become a remarkable collection of artifacts and documents representing the cultures and communities, failures and successes of life in Palm Beach County.

The creation of the Richard and Pat Johnson Palm Beach County History Museum in 2008 finally allowed the collection to fully serve its critical purpose: to share and showcase the rich history of Palm Beach County and the larger context of Florida’s heritage dating back at least 12,000 years.

Our Team

Jeremy W. Johnson, CAE

Jeremy W. Johnson, CAE

President and Chief Executive Officer
jjohnson@pbchistory.org | ext.102

Sharon Poss

Sharon Poss

Office Administrator
sposs@pbchistory.org | ext. 100

Rhonda Gordon

Rhonda Gordon

Director of Outreach and Volunteer Services
rgordon@pbchistory.org | ext. 109

Erica Grant

Collections Curator
egrant@pbchistory.org | ext. 113

Stephanie Issac

Membership and Development Director
sissac@pbchistory.org | ext. 103

Taylor Materio

Chief Development Officer
tmaterio@pbchistory.org | ext. 104

Debi Murray

Debi Murray

Chief Curator
dmurray@pbchistory.org | ext. 105

Rose Guerrero

Rose Guerrero

Director of Research
rguerrero@pbchistory.org | ext. 112

Casey Lipschutz​

Casey Lipschutz

Education Coordinator
clipschutz@pbchistory.org | ext. 106

Kalani Leblanc

Research Assistant and Special Events Coordinator
kleblanc@pbchistory.org | ext. 136

OFFICERS 2024-2025

Richard S. Johnson Jr.

Richard S. Johnson Jr.

Board Chair

Jeffrey Alderton

Jeffrey Alderton

First Vice Chair

Penny Murphy


Thomas Burns, CPA

Thomas M. Burns, CPA


John Archer

John P. Archer

Member at Large

George L. Ford III

George L. Ford III

Member at Large

Joseph Chase

Joseph P. Chase Sr.

Member at Large

Vernique Williams

Member at Large


Laurel Baker

Daniel Hostettler


Hampton Beebe

Scott Johnson

Traci Simonsen

Bill Bone

Stacey Leuliette

Maricela Torres

M. Cheryl Burkhardt

Harris Levitt

Mary Weiss

Alex Griswold

Stephen C. Richman

Sarah Wetenhall


Christian Angle

William Graham

Karen Marcus

Mark B. Elhilow

The Honorable Bradley G. Harper

Carey O’Donnell

Mark Stevens

Mark Stevens

George T. Elmore

Dale R. Hedrick

Harvey E. Oyer III

Keith Williams

Mary Fairbanks Freitas

Russell Kelley

Jorge Pesquera

Dennis Grady

Gary S. Lesser

Jean Shafiroff


Matthew Lane

School Board of Palm Beach County Member

Mack Bernard

Palm Beach County Commissioner

Danielle Hickox Moore

Town of Palm Beach Mayor

Thomas M. Kirchhoff

Past Board Chair

Foundation Support

The Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties
The David Minkin Foundation
The Ellen and Ian Graham Foundation
Florida Department of State Division of Arts & Culture
The Fortin Foundation of Florida
Frances and Jeffrey Fisher Charitable Foundation Inc.
Frances G. Scaife Foundation
General Society of Colonial Wars
The Hulitar Family Foundation
J.M. Rubin Foundation
Knight Foundation
The Loreen Beisswenger Farish Charitable Foundation
The Mary Alice Fortin Foundation, Inc.
Pat Moran Family Foundation Inc.
PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc.
The Park Foundation
Richard S. Johnson Family Foundation
Scaife Family Foundation
The Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation
Sharkey Family Foundation, Inc.
Sidney Kohl Family Foundation
Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Florida
William A. Meyer Foundation

History is not the past. It is the present. We carry our history with us. We are our history.

Diversity, Equality, & Inclusion (DEI) Statement 

In furthering our mission, the Historical Society of Palm Beach County and Richard and Pat Johnson Palm Beach County History Museum pledge to continually work toward integrating values, policies, and practices that ensure equality and inclusiveness for all people without regard to race/ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography, citizenship status, or religion. 
