
History Matters

Since 1937, the support of private individuals, businesses, and foundations has allowed us to further our mission through their donations, membership, sponsorships, grants, event participation, and pieces of history to grow our Archive. This generosity endows educational programs and exhibitions and maintains our collections.

The Historical Society of Palm Beach County is uniquely positioned to share our rich history and cultural heritage and to provide access for research of our vast collection of four million images, plus documents and artifacts. Throughout are tastes of that collection. 

Your continued contributions will ensure that education programs and admission to the Richard and Pat Johnson Palm Beach County History Museum remain free to all. Your support also allows educational outreach: Since 2003, we have impacted well over half a million children with free programs such as our Traveling Trunks and history and civics curricula.

Ways to Give

Choose the best way for you to support saving the past for the future.

One of the best ways to engage with and support the Historical Society of Palm Beach County is to become a member. There is a membership level to fit you! 

Learn more about HSPBC Personal Memberships

Learn more about HSPBC Corporate Memberships

Every donation helps us further our mission. As a nonprofit, the Historical Society of Palm Beach County relies on the generous financial support of friends. This vital revenue provides incomparable educational experiences and the preservation and display of our Collection. Your continued contributions will ensure that education programs and admission to the Johnson History Museum remain free to all.

Click here to make a One-time or Monthly Recurring donation.

Sponsoring a Historical Society program, event, or publication, or a Johnson Museum exhibition benefits everyone.  Your business will receive great visibility and other benefits, which can be customized for your marketing and community relations goals. Sponsors have unique privileges and opportunities for entertaining, while gaining high visibility through association with the Historical Society.

Examples of Opportunities:

  • Annual Special Exhibitions are open to the public for 10 months in the 500-foot Rotating Gallery that is our visitors’ first stop in the Johnson History Museum. As the theme for a year, they are the basis of our marketing efforts and attract thousands of visitors.
  • Traveling Exhibits provide a closeup look at a local topic or select items from the HSPBC Collection. They reach a wide audience as they inhabit spaces beyond our Museum.
  • Courtroom Exhibits rotate throughout the year and run a wide gamut in both topic and format. Typically they are introduced with an evening Opening Reception.
  • Special Events provide vital support to the education programs of the HSPBC and Museum and opportunities to engage socially with a wide group of attendees. Your sponsorship benefits can be shared with your employees, their families, and special clients.
  • Tustenegee, our academic history journal published twice yearly, requires underwriting to create and distribute.

For more information about sponsoring a program or event and a full list of benefits, contact Sharon Poss at 561.832.4164 ext. 100 or


As we share stories of the past, we are also collecting artifacts for the future. Do you have a photo collection, Florida antique, or artifact to share?

The remarkable collections in our archive, begun in 1937, represents the cultures, communities, struggles and successes of life in Palm Beach County and the larger context of Florida’s heritage. There are many ways to connect with the archive, among them a visit to the Johnson History Museum.  The HSPBC also maintains an active Research Library, accessible by appointment. The archive documents the people, places, and events that have shaped our community. None of this would be possible without people like you, who donate their treasures.

Oral History

First-hand accounts of pivotal events and ordinary life are priceless, and we constantly strive to capture them. Collection of this kind of history has a sense of urgency. There is no greater regret than to lose the narrative of our history as individuals and entire generations are lost to us. Oral histories are used by historians, biographers, students, teachers, and residents of our community to explore our past.  We cannot guess the countless ways in which future generations may use them.  Help us protect the rich and telling memories of notable figures, neighbors, family, friends, or yourself, through a gift to the HSPBC Oral History Project. Make your donation here.

The Historical Society of Palm Beach County is fortunate to have two endowments, long-term ways to donate, protect, and invest assets.

The Operating Endowment has long been presided over by the Board of Governors with professional advisors who direct the investment of the assets.

The Historical Society of Palm Beach County James Ponce Endowment Fund at the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties honors the late James Augustine Ponce.  The principal funds are reserved by the Community Foundation, which will direct their investment. The resulting growth will be used for HSPBC initiatives toward fulfillment of our mission. Read more about our dear friend Jim Ponce and his legacy here.

Your contribution to either endowment fund is secure. Its growth will ensure the preservation of the Archives, fund future exhibits, and provide free programs to increase students’ understanding of Palm Beach County history. To learn how your investment will share our past with future generations, please contact Sharon Poss at 561.832.4164 ext. 100 or

Learn more about Endowments here. 

By making a planned gift through your will or estate, your commitment to our mission is ensured.  To learn how to support us beyond your lifetime, please contact Sharon Poss at 561.832.4164 ext. 100 or

If you wish to make your donation In Honor Of OR In Memory Of someone, please use this link:

Giving to Honor Donation
